ASTR 3520 Remote Login Instructions

In order to remotely login to cosmos, do the following:
1. Open a terminal on a UNIX system. If you do not have a UNIX system available, see below.
2. Type "ifconfig" and record your IP address. An IP address has the form #.#.#.#, where each # is a number between 0 and 254.
3. Type "xhost". You should get a response similar to " being added to access control list". If you don't, don't worry about it, just continue on.
4. Type "ssh -XY (yourname)", where (yourname) should be replaced by your username, e.g. "ssh -XY". Enter your password when prompted. If you receive a strange question about security, respond "yes".
5. To check whether you have access to graphics, attempt to load a graphical terminal, e.g. ds9.
6. Pray your internet connection is fast and you're set.

Remote Login for Windows

You can login remotely from windows using an ssh client, preferably SSH Secure Shell, but the graphics aren't trivial. I will have to communicate with the CU IT department to find out if this is possible, as it requires proprietary software. Please e-mail me if you'd like me to do that, otherwise I'll skip it for now.

Ask questions if this does not work! Most of this is experimental for me, so if there's some failure in my instructions, I may be able to correct it, but don't be surprised.

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