
Public Talks:

July 19th, 2008: Public talk at the Vail Nature Center. Not scripted or transcribed.
September 12th, 2008: 'Celestial Navigation' and behind the constellations at REI Boulder (version 1, not as good as....)
September 25th, 2009: 'Celestial Navigation' and behind the constellations at REI Boulder
January 16th, 2010: Talk to Boulder Astronomical Society. Seeing the universe through other eyes: Multi-wavelength views of the Galaxy
July 30th, 2011: Winter Park Star Safari
Additional Resources:
Circumpolar Stars
The Bad Astronomer on Polaris
Astronomy.com on Celestial Navigation
Iowa State University's Polaris Project: Navigation


Molecular Clouds blog
P Cygni
Science Fair ideas

I judged the Denver Metro science fair in 2008, Boulder Country Day and Centennial Middle School in 2009.
I've participated in the CU Astronomy Day the past two years, and I host open houses at Sommers-Bausch observatory a few times each year.